Monday, May 24, 2010

Here is the setup for the announcement. If you'd like to view the TV spot from WICS-ABC2, click on the link below:

Last week at Walmart they brought the big rig around and let the kids get inside.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thank you to Walmart and Sam's Club!!

Today was amazing! CMN organized a press conference at a local Walmart here in town and announced Jack as the 2010 Illinois Champion officially. The Regional Director was there to talk, as were several St. John's staff members and a couple of Jack's doctors. Jack did a great job speaking (I might be a little bias of course) and then they surprised him with a $500 gift card! It was supposed to help him get prepared for his upcoming adventure to Washington DC, but a new TV for the Xbox won out. A guy has to have his priorities I guess.

I think Jack will be on the local news tonight and in the local newspaper sometime this week. These are such wonderful chances for him to sing the praises of St. John's Children's Hospital and he takes full advantage.

We continue to be humbly grateful for the gifts bestowed on us, but number one on that list is the gift of three healthy children. We are really looking foward to Washington DC. Thank you again to Walmart and Sam's Club for making these opportunities possible.